When you first see a RagaMuffin from a distance - you will find yourself in awe. There lies a gorgeous, massive cat with large expressive eyes that are just begging for you to come closer. You will not believe its sumptuous color, its soft coat or the substantial size of its body.
RagaMuffins come in all coat colors and patterns, with the pointed and pointed with white colors being registered by CFA but not shown. These are striking cats whether the color is blue, brown tabby with white, tortoiseshell or mink. The coat is medium-long, yet the RagaMuffin is a low maintenance cat. Although the coat is thick and plush, it does not readily mat or clump and is easy to care for.
RagaMuffins are classically large cats, with females averaging between ten and fifteen pounds. Males often weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds. Each is heavily boned, with a tendency toward a fatty pad on the lower abdomen. They are fully mature at approximately four years of age and have a long life expectancy. As a general rule, RagaMuffins are strong and healthy with no known genetic health problems within the breed.
A RagaMuffin's personality is one of extreme sweetness, with traits of those similar to an endearing lap dog. Each one of these cats thrives on attention and it is not unusual for any one of them to greet you at the door, follow you from room-to-room and become your faithful companion. They make wonderful family pets, with so much affection to give everyone in the family, including your other pets.
RagaMuffins are wonderful with children. Their calm and patient temperament lends itself to the boisterous, robust play of youngsters and they can easily be found attending tea parties or taking rides in baby strollers. Their easy-going personality makes them adaptive to almost any environment or situation, as long as they have their humans' attention and interest..
A RagaMuffin tends to be calm and will likely to be found curled in your lap as you read a book or watch television. Yet, these are not lazy cats. Just pull out their toys and you will find them ready for action.
The exact development and early history of the RagaMuffin breed is clouded. The full story will likely stay a mystery forever.
*Sources from Cat Fanciers' Association, INC
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